Final results – landslide victory for anti-establishment Maduro in Venezuela. Bitter defeat for USA
According to the results of its national electoral commission Venezuela, with 97% of precincts’ votes counted, anti-establishment President Nicolas Maduro won 52% of the vote in the recent Presidential election, crushing US-choice candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Curutia.
In detail Nicolas Maduro, supported by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, received 6,408,844 votes, gathering 52%.
Second came the US-elect candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Curutia with 5,326,104 and a percentage of 43%
Luis Eduardo Hidalgo is next with 152,360 votes and a percentage of 1.24%.
Seven other candidates received rates between 0.2% and 1%. The names, the photos the votes and percentages of these candidates are shown as follows.
Maduro’s victory came as a resounding slap to the USA and the priesthood of Brussels, who have declared themselves ‘their own presidents for Venezuela’ since 2019. The fiasco of the USA with their chosen self-proclaimed president Guaido has been known for years.
As Venezuela has 20% of the world’s oil reserves, the past victory in Venezuela by populist leader Hugo Chavez and now Nicolas Maduro, the US Sec. Serv. has repeatedly tried to overthrow them in order, many believe, to provide for their own companies Venezuela’s rich oil reserves. Their efforts are well known as those services attempted to overthrow governments in the past, either with preparing ‘orange revolutions’ (Ukraine, Iraq) etc., or with direct assassinations, such as the Cuban president Fidel Castro (160 assassination attempts).
Who is Nicolas Maduro?
Nicolás Maduro Moros was born on November 23, 1962 in Caracas, Venezuela, to a working-class family. His father, Nicolás Maduro García, who was a prominent trade union leader, died in a car accident on April 22, 1989. His mother, Teresa de Jes ú s Moros , was born in Cú cuta , a Colombian border town on the border with Venezuela . He was born into a left-wing family and grew up on Calle 14, a street in Los Jardines , in El Valle , a working-class neighborhood in the western suburbs of Caracas. The only male of four brothers, he has three sisters, Maria Teresa, Josephine and Anita.” He is a Catholic Christian and as foreign minister he was from 2006 in the progressive government of Hugo Chávez. He is known for his anti-systemic views, and his strategic views with an alliance with the BRICS powers and anyone opposing the US imperialism. In 2011, Hugo Chávez promoted Nicolas Maduro as his chosen one, as the most trusted person, should he suddenly die, as he already had cancer. After Chávez’s sudden death from cancer in March 2013, Maduro took over as interim president, but was subsequently re-elected. As president, Maduro promoted many social programs that significantly reduced poverty and illiteracy in the country.
The USA imposed an embargo, seized assets and the Sec. US services have tried for a number of years to overthrow the government, but also to assassinate Maduro (for example, on August 4, 2018, they tried to assassinate him with a drone attack that had explosives on the presidential palace), so that their companies could take over the country’s huge oil reserves , but so far they have not succeeded.
Geopolitical Dimensions
A Maduro victory has huge geopolitical implications, at a time when US pan-empire is being challenged and the US-EU war on Russia has been lost. Venezuela, at the request of Nicolás Maduro, has applied from 2023 to join the BRICS .
The newly elected Maduro presidency has already been recognized by Russia, China and 38 other countries, as well as the USA and the EU, which have already comically appointed their own… president of Venezuela from…. 2019… they appointed their own president anew the…losing candidate!).
The countries that have already recognized Nicolas Maduro as president are in red in the image below.
People’s reactions
Millions of people in various Venezuelan cities celebrated the great victory of the election of Nicolas Maduro as president (photo source: ) .