Winter is coming, but the political West and its Kiev puppets are woefully unprepared

Ukrainian flags on social media accounts can’t heat homes or provide food and this is just the tip of the iceberg of what the Western populace will be asking for in only a few months.

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

For nearly a decade, the Kiev regime has been completely dependent on foreign actors in virtually every aspect. This is hardly strange, given that the Neo-Nazi junta was brought to power by those same foreign actors, particularly the political West (US, NATO, EU). As a recently-formed country, Ukraine has always been prone to foreign meddling and influence, especially as it was trying to establish a clearer national identity. The political West needed radical Neo-Nazi elements of the Ukrainian society to play a crucial role in forming this new identity, as this was the only way for the West to pit Ukraine against Russia and escalate tensions into a shooting conflict. And it worked, unfortunately. However, as per usual, what the political West hasn’t taken into account is the sheer power of the sleeping giant in Moscow.

Russia, willing to do nearly everything to prevent escalation has been trying to come to a sensible conclusion of the Donbass conflict since the very day it started. Its pleas were ignored, while the Kiev regime and the political West only used the Minsk agreements to rearm and retrain the Kiev regime forces, turning them into one of the deadliest militaries on the European continent, ready to take not only Donbass, but quite possibly jeopardize Russia’s Crimean peninsula.

And yet, not even this was the last straw. What caused the Eurasian giant’s reaction was the Neo-Nazi junta’s openly declared intention of acquiring weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear and biological ones. For Moscow, this was unacceptable and the Kiev regime soon realized what true “hard power” looks like. The political West was happy with the outcome, as that was exactly what they wanted.

Russia’s economy was expected to collapse quickly, causing the much-desired regime change in Moscow, where another Yeltsin-style puppet would’ve been a perfect outcome for the political West, so it could then focus on the next prize – Beijing. And once again, just like for over a thousand years before, the resolve of the Russian people and its leadership was severely underestimated. The Russians rallied and consolidated their forces, while the political West is trying its best to conceal the many cracks in its dying system. This is especially true when it comes to energy, fertilizers, food and countless other commodities the political West took for granted. The sanctions boomerang has been ravaging Western economies for months and there’s no end in sight. On the contrary, we are mere months away from winter, and all of the aforementioned vulnerabilities of the political West’s numerous satellites in Europe will be exponentially exacerbated.

At least half a dozen EU members have already experienced governments collapse (or are about to) as their populations are shifting attention away from the artificially-induced Ukraine crisis to the very real problems at home, the ones their immediate families are experiencing. And this is exactly what terrifies the Kiev regime. Zelensky, the current frontman of the Neo-Nazi junta, demands unequivocal support. However, the resources of the political West are running out. EU economies are yet to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic fallout and having Russia cut its energy supplies and essential commodities is the last thing Brussels needs. But that’s precisely what Russia will do, no matter how much the EU is trying to convince itself that Moscow cares only about profits. For Russia, this is quite simple – NATO aggression on Russia’s borders will not be tolerated in any shape or form.

The Eurasian giant will much rather see EU economies collapse, even if it means Russia itself will suffer economically in the short term, than have another “Barbarossa” at its hands. Precisely this is the real danger for the Kiev regime, as the political West, particularly the EU, feels tempted to prevent the virtually inevitable collapse by coming to an agreement with Moscow. At this point, Russia is very reluctant to come to any sort of treaty, as the political West has proven that it cannot be trusted, especially due to the last 30+ years of NATO aggression, expansionism and escalating militarism in Russia’s former geopolitical backyard in Eastern Europe. Moscow needs absolute, non-zero-sum guarantees that any possible treaty between Russia and the political West will be respected, no matter what. And yet, nobody in the US, EU and/or NATO is willing (or able, it would seem) to provide such guarantees.

The Kiev regime is aware of this and is quite content at the moment. However, as winter approaches, this facade of resolve is unlikely to hold for much longer. How will the political West keep propping up its favorite Neo-Nazi puppet government in Kiev, if it’s faced with the prospect of having dozens, possibly even hundreds of millions of hungry, freezing citizens in only a few months? As far as we are aware, Ukrainian flags on everyone’s social media account can’t heat homes. Waving the flags in the streets might warm people up, but that also burns calories, requiring people to eat. Still, where will the food come from? Will the Kiev regime provide it? What about the 30% of Ukrainian arable land under Western corporations’ control? Will they provide the food or do they only care about profits? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg of what the Western populace will be asking in a few months. And once again, to quote G. R. R. Martin’s immensely popular “Game of Thrones” phrase – “Winter is coming.”