Tourists better avoid Turkey as bombing will escalate, Kurdish commander warns
The bombing of Kurdish civilians in Iraq by Turkey few days ago, the bombing of Kurdish-speaking villages in Turkey by Erdogan forces, and the imperialistic wars of Turkey in Syria and elsewhere, raise now the probability of a swift reply by Kurdish patriots who want to defend their families and land. Turkish forces commit genocide against the Kurds, and this will be answered shortly.
This means that it is possible that some Turkish areas, not excluding touristic ones, will be now a target of the patriotic, liberating army of Kurdish revolutionary forces. This is implied by an interview of a leading Kurdish commander.
According to ANFNews, Murat Karayilan, commander of the People’s Defense Forces Headquarters, spoke about the current developments in Kurdistan in a special program on Stêrk TV on Sunday evening.
The commander explained that the Kurdish liberation struggle has entered a new phase. This phase must be understood correctly in all parts of Kurdistan. The Turkish state is attacking the liberation struggle of Kurdistan and the status of the whole Kurdish people. This very comprehensive and strategic attack has the aim of committing genocide against the Kurdish people. The status achieved in Southern and Western Kurdistan and the achievements of the Kurdish people fought for everywhere are meant to be destroyed. The Kurds are intended to be prevented from having their own identity. This is the main objective of this strategy, which has several tactical stages. We are facing a new situation.
Neo-Ottoman expansion as a secret strategy
The Turkish state says that the Heftanin operation is one of the largest operations in recent years. It has published some targets, but not all. There is also a covert strategy. We talk about it all the time and others talk about it as well. This covert strategy involves the occupation of the Ottoman “Misak-i Milli” (National Pact) area. Only the tactical aspects are made public. What’s going on? The politics of Southern Kurdistan is put under pressure, the achievement of Kurdish national unity is wanted to be prevented. The Kurdish forces are being used by turning them against each other. Rojava and the South, the South and the North are wanted to be turned against each other in order to prevent a unity. This is one of the obvious aims.
Turkish state now occupies Syrian Kurdish-speaking areas outside Turkey, and Turkey does not even claim that it is a temporary occupation. Roads are being built in all occupied areas and a separate system is being installed, making the occupation permanent.
The time of cooperation with Turkey is definitely over, according to the commander, because the Turkish state carries out one attack after another. No one should be fooled into using the PKK as a justification. When the invasion of Serêkaniyê [Ras al-Ain, northern Syria] took place last year Nechirvan Barzani claimed that Turkey had no problem with the Kurds, only with the PKK. I would like to say to Mr Barzani this: please go to Serêkaniyê and look around, how are the Kurds? Are there still Kurds there or not? Has all their property been looted or not? Has their honour been violated or not? Have not jihadists from Ghouta or elsewhere been accommodated in their houses? And how are the Kurds in Afrin? Genocide is taking place there, all Kurds have been expelled, their property has been confiscated. The same is happening in Serêkaniyê. Also, the ISIS committed genocide in Shengal (Sinjar) and wanted to perpetrate a massacre in Maxmur, and their job is now done by the Turkish state that first wanted to destroy the whole South and the federal system of Southern Kurdistan through the ISIS in Shengal, Maxmur and above. Since ISIS has been defeated and could not achieve this aim, the Turkish state is now doing it itself.
Due to all the above, ‘a comprehensive war is taking place between the Turkish state and Kurdish people . Our people are affected by the state terror. We do not want people from Europe and Russia to come to Turkey as tourists at this time. They should be aware that the Turkish state is conducting a genocide policy against the people of Kurdistan. The money that tourists spend in Turkey becomes a bullet directed against the Kurdish people. That is why they should not come to Turkey. If they do and suffer damage, we are not responsible. I’m not saying that we will target them, but there is a war going on here. If they come into the war zone and suffer damage, we cannot take responsibility. Anyway, the coronavirus is out there right now and no one is coming, but even if the situation calms down, no one should come. This country is at war with our people and we are legitimately resisting it.’ More about the interview can be found in ANF News.