Erdogan’s war against Kurdish nation has a new weapon: coronavirus

Erdogan continues the ethnic cleansing of the citizens of Turkey, in the Kurdish speaking areas.

His new weapon is called coronavirus. The Erdogan regime seems trying to get some inspiration from the methods that German Nazi

used to exterminate the Jews, although in a softer edition.

The Erdogan regime leaves the Kurdish population inside Turkey to die from diseases,

in a similar way Turkish state exterminated Greeks, Armenians and Asyrians in the past.

Ethnic cleansing, after all, seems to be part of the lunatic culture of some Turkish leaders,

inherited from the failed Ottoman empire.

According to the distinguished journalist Nurcan Baysal from ahvalnews, ‘the streets of Diyarbakır, Turkey’s largest Kurdish-majority city, are crowded despite the COVID-19 outbreak. Half the shops are closed, yet the other half remain open. The city is managed by a state-appointed official, like most of the other Kurdish-majority cities in Turkey.

Selçuk Mızraklı, the elected mayor of Diyarbakır, and most of the other Kurdish mayors have been imprisoned over allegedly “supporting terrorist groups”.
During the state of emergency that followed the 2016 coup attempt, 20,000 Turkish health workers, including 3,315 doctors, were removed from their jobs due to accusations of terror links. Many of those who lost their livelihoods were Kurdish doctors, nurses and health workers.

Many Kurdish cities were demolished during military curfews and armed clashes, leaving millions of people homeless.
State administrators were appointed to replace elected mayors in dozens of pro-Kurdish municipalities.

Almost all Kurdish media outlets – even a Kurdish children’s channel – have been shut down.

Kurdish civil society organisations were closed by the government for allegedly supporting terrorist groups.

Thousands of Kurdish teachers and doctors were fired from their jobs in the region.

More than 10,000 members, parliamentarians, and even the co-presidents of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) have been imprisoned.
Women’s centres, cultural centres, food banks, Kurdish art centres, Kurdish language associations and many more institutions have been closed by the government. Even some Kurdish football clubs.
In the last five years, the state launched a war against the Kurdish language.

Kurdish courses were closed, Kurdish language departments were closed, optional Kurdish lessons were cancelled. Kurdish names were removed from public parks, streets and every corner of our cities. Kurdish cultural and linguistic symbols were destroyed.

All public billboards have been turned to Turkish. After COVID-19 ,I saw many public billboards giving information about the coronavirus measures. But they are all written in Turkish. Nearly 70 percent of the districts’ inhabitants speak Kurdish, and many do not know Turkish, so they have no idea about what these public billboards tell them about the precautions they need to take against the pandemic. Today, there are not enough tests, not enough doctors, no civil society, no mayors, and not enough measures to tackle the coronavirus in Kurdish cities.’ The full article can be read in ahvalnews (please click here).

Turkish regime, seems to continue the practices to exterminate populations that have other culture, or language from that of the lunatic

‘leaders’ of the Turkish state, the role now Erdogan regime has.

The question is, how can the international community, accept ethnic cleansing in a modern era?

Should not, United nations, NATO and EU, consider stepping up to stop the extermination of the Kurdish-speaking people,

the people of the Kurdish nation who have the ‘privilege’ to born and live in Erdogan’s Turkey?